Breaking Glass Ceilings

“I think I’m going to quit my job, write a book and maybe do some public speaking.” Finally, the nurse looked at me as she handed me a little cup with at least 10 pills in it. She said, “That sounds great but how about we get through today first.” I thought that was fair. But I decided, all the same, that I wanted to help people entering the Canadian healthcare system get the help they needed and deserved. I would make the sector jump from investments to healthcare with the fiery purpose of improving patient experiences because what I had endured and was yet to experience should NEVER have happened. And yet it did.

The Future is Bright

The future is bright! This is what I have told myself over the last year every time I have dragged myself out of the pit of darkness, enough to reach up and brush my fingers against the warmth of hope. I have had to frequently remind myself that hope still exists because I couldn’t tolerateContinueContinue reading “The Future is Bright”